Earth Day is Everyday!

We are committed to change.

Although we still have a long way to go, we have begun. We have decided to share about our journey towards going green.

Currently we offer packaging that are reusable, compostable or made from recycled materials. By investing in sustainable packaging, we can achieve a more sustainable future together.

This year we are committed to review our current supplies and look for even better options so that we may improve our practices. Although this might mean a higher cost for us overall, we believe that we can make a difference all the way down to our packaging choices.

Our navy and natural kraft packaging are biodegradable and recyclable. The jewelry boxes we use are made from chipboard which are environmentally friendly because it comes from recycled pressed paper and cardboard taking less energy, requires less deforestation, and fewer people to produce.

We are currently working on transitioning to 100% ecofriendly ribbon by the third quarter. Although our current supply of stickers are not compostable the company we order from has adopted many other ways to offset their carbon footprint in their daily operations. We will be keeping an eye out for new options as we run down the supplies we currently have in the boutique.

Our mermaid tissue is FSC certified (by the Forest Stewardship Council) which means it meets the "gold standard" of ethical production. The inks used are soy based on acid free paper.

Our mesh bags we offer are reusable however we are always looking for better options for the future. Let us know if you have any ideas!

Our commitment to you is to be completely transparent through this eye opening process. We look forward to the day where we are 100% green in this area.

We are so close, we definitely have room to improve, and we will continue to keep you informed of our progress!


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